[TECH-DEBT] Move to jackson json provider in JsonPath instead of jsonsmart
a1shadows opened this issue ยท 4 comments
We can have uniformity across the repo if we do this and can avoid pulling in the json-smart dependency
was raised during #647
@a1shadows You may assign this issue to me. I'll have a closer look at json array handling :-)
@a1shadows Do you know the reason, why Gson is used in the Kafka part? Couldn't that also be changed to Jackson?
shadows Do you know the reason, why Gson is used in the Kafka part? Couldn't that also be changed to Jackson?
Hey @authorjapps any idea on this?
Gson is used in the Kafka part?
@a1shadows, I vaguely remember, a collaborator introduced for a quick fix. I think it was introduced for Kafka "headers" (and elsewhere) to allow generic object structure ser/de using Gson easily over Jackson.
Yes, Jackson can be used instead of Gson ๐ .
Worth checking anywhere else Gson is not used before completely getting rid of it.