
popup-tip convert faces

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, I am trying to display some text with popup-tip. The text may contain italics or bold, but I want it to display with the tooltip face as the base, rather than the buffer's default.

(popup-tip  #("foo bar" 0 3 (face bold) 3 4 nil 4 7 (face italic)) :nostrip t)

Can popup-tip do this conversion or do I have to do the conversion myself?

popup does not have such conversion now.
You need to define such faces and apply them as below.

(setq popup-tip-foreground (face-foreground 'popup-tip-face)
      popup-tip-background (face-background 'popup-tip-face))

(defface my-bold
  `((t (:weight bold :foreground ,popup-tip-foreground
        :background ,popup-tip-background)))
  "my bold")

(defface my-italic
  `((t (:italic t :foreground ,popup-tip-foreground
        :background ,popup-tip-background)))
  "my italic")

(popup-tip (concat "foo "
                   (propertize "bar " 'face 'my-bold)
                   (propertize "baz" 'face 'my-italic))
           :nostrip t)

That didn't work for me but made me understand faces much better now:

(defface my-bold
  `((t (:inherit popup-tip-face
        :weight bold)))
  "my bold"
  :group 'popup)

(defface my-italic
  `((t (:inherit popup-tip-face
        :slant italic)))
  "my italic"
  :group 'popup)

(popup-tip (concat
            "normal "
            (propertize "italic" 'face 'my-italic)
            (propertize " " 'face nil)
            (propertize "bold" 'face 'my-bold))
           :nostrip t)

EDIT: use :inherit

Thanks for the catch.

Cool, I guess this issue is resolved?

Close this now! Feel free to reopen this if you find it useful.