
word-wrap in popup-tip

yitang opened this issue · 5 comments


Is there a variable that I configure to turn on the word-wrap feature in popup-tip function?


Would you tell us use case of this ?

Yeah, I found popup-up package is really useful to show inline documentation, but as you can see in the following picutre,

screenshot 2015-03-25 20 22 47

the words Britain and allocated are separated into two lines, which makes the reading difficult.

Is there a way to improve this?

Specify :width keyword parameter of popup-tip as bellow.

(popup-tip "The winners of the latest GeoVation challenge - \"How can we enable people in Britain to live in better places?\" we selected on 11 March and the funding allocated to each team has been"
           :width 40)


@syohex This is exactly what I am looking for. I should have looked on the function documentation, thank you very much!

You are welcome.