
Demonstraction of a full-featured highly available EC2 AutoScaling web deployment (nginx), including ACM Certificate and Route53 subdomain management.


This demo highlights the following:

  • C# support
  • Multistack Architecture: Uses stack reference to a base infrastructure stack VPC, to simulate deployment of applications into networking infrastructure maintained separately from the web application.


  • AWS Account with a propery configured Route53 hosted zone
    • This demo will add an A record for the load balancer to the hosted zone and a corresponding ACM certificate for SSL.
  • A deployed stack which instantiates a VPC
    • Stack must output the following values:
      • VpcId
      • CidrBlock
      • PrivateSubnetIds
      • PublicSubnetIds


  • pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2
  • pulumi config set org ORGANIZATION
    • Where ORGANIZATION is the name of the org in which the stack is launched.

ESC (environment, secrets, configuration)

This project assumes the use of ESC for credentials and configuration. The default environments are aws-webdemo-dev and aws-webdemo-prod

If the ESC environment needs to be recreated, it should look like:

  - aws # base ESC environment for AWS AWS OIDC
    subDomain: webdemodev
    vpcStack: team-ce/aws-cs-landingzone/dev
    instanceCount: 2

Note that we are reading config values from the ESC environment. We can override these locally with pulumi config set KEY VALUE if necessary.