
New document doesn't stream in from peers on network

adamwiggins opened this issue · 2 comments

Steps to reproduce, two machines:

  1. launch Trellis A, Document -> New
  2. launch Trellis B, connect to peergroup via introducer or Bonjour
  3. Trellis A -> Share to clipboard
  4. get the URL, Trellis B -> Open

Trellis B is left with a blank document:

screen shot 2017-06-23 at 19 56 35

To simulate this locally, just remove the Trellis file ("local cache") before launching the second Trellis, like this:

  1. launch Trellis A, Document -> New
  2. delete the file ~/Documents/Trellis/$docid.trellis
  3. connect to peergroup via localhost:4242 or somesuch
  4. launch Trellis B

Blank document, as above.

Thought Orion fixed this last week, but I'm still seeing it on current master (c059287). Makes it really hard to test stuff with two clients.

Actually this is fixed, what I'm hitting now is #34