
Taskonomy dataset loading

Rufaim opened this issue · 2 comments

Can you help me with downloading and loading Taskonomy dataset data?

Download script only fetches raw pixel pngs, "class_object" labels and "class_scene" labels. That only covers "autoencoder", "class_object", "class_scene" and "jigsaw" tasks. I've found that "normal" task labels can also be downloaded from similarly to "class_object". That makes 5 out of 7 in total. How to get "room_layout" and "segmentsemantic" tasks?

When loading TaskonomyDataset it requires some json containing template paths. In loading configs (like here) they are marked as "final5K_splits".
How do i generate those files? I can not seem to find any scripts related to this.

Segmentation worked for me using "segment_semantic".

download.txt. Here is the script I use to download the data for TNB101. There's one note for segmentsemantic task, you need to rename folder segment_semantic to segmentsemantic.

If you clone repo in the default branch (i.e., Develop), you need to change line 17 in
'room_layout': ('room_layout', 'npy') -> 'room_layout': ('point_info', 'json')

You can figure out the folder 'final_5Ksplits' here. I also suggest you clone three folders in taskonomydata_mini.