
Recall and precision on ICDAR2013

lyc6749 opened this issue · 12 comments

How about the recall and precision on ICDAR2013 by your implemention?

Can you provide this file?

Hey, Sorry for the delayed reply. I have been sick for a few days. Will solve the bugs in the master by the end of the day. Thank You for your patience.

How about the recall and precision on ICDAR2013 by your implemention?

The weak supervision code seems to be working. I have updated the master branch to incorporate the changes. I will train the model tomorrow on IC13, IC15 and send the link to the pre-trained model, Generated character Bounding Boxes, and F-score.

Thank You for your patience.

Hi @mayank-git-hub , thanks for your code. Do you mind telling me that what is the performance of the pre-trained model on ICDAR 13 dataset?

Currently the performance is not good. I am able to achieve an approximate F-score of 70. I am tweaking and experimenting to improve the results. Will update the ReadMe file with the F-scores of all the datasets.

Thanks for your reply. I am also working on the training code. And also only could get 0.71 H-mean on IC13 dataset. Looking for your results.

Great, I am also working on it. Would update the Readme file as soon as I get better results. Thank You for your patience.

@mayank-git-hub Quick question, 0.7051 F1 Score on IC13 is with CRAFT or ResNet CRAFT ? Which one is better and by how much ?

Thanks ;)

The f score is with craft model with vgg backbone. Haven't tried resnet unet architecture.

Thanks @mayank-git-hub. Btw, I saw you included link to Original Model by authors in the README. Can we load that model and fine tune it with this code ?

Thanks @mayank-git-hub. Btw, I saw you included link to Original Model by authors in the README. Can we load that model and fine tune it with this code ?

Yep we can ;)