
Logo Selection

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hello Mika,
I am interested in using your theme. I have been able to install it and use it in my project.
I noticed that the release for 1.1.0 mentioned the ability to change the logo. I have unfortunately been unable to use that option in my file.
Is there an appropriate way of changing it,

Thanks a lot!

I know it is not the solution you look for, but a temporary solution is to change the logo.svg file under _build/html/_static/img, or even change the logo name in your index.html

Hi @VHchavez - sorry for the slow response on this. I verified that this still seems to work.

With this

source_suffix = '.rst'
master_doc = 'index'
html_theme = 'insegel'
html_theme_options = {


html_logo = "github.png"


The path to the logo file has to be relative to the file. In the above case, github.png is in the same directory as the file. Could you verify that that is the case?

This worked great. Thanks! :)
Is there any option to resize the logo?

@VHchavez With commit 99e9758 there's now a mechanism to use your own custom CSS file, which should let you resize the logo. I'll update the configuration documentation to give an example and let you know when it's released!

You're too kind! Thank you so much!
Is there an appropriate way of referencing your work? I'll be using this theme for an academic software that will be released as a paper. Would love to give the appropriate credits.

@VHchavez Oh, that would be very kind of you! I'm not sure what the appropriate format for credits are in academic work, but if you wanted to say it was by Mika Naylor and a link to either this repo, my website ( or my email (mail at that would be very generous of you!

This should have been released with version 1.3.0, with documentation:

For example, in my project I have a file at _static/css/custom.css containing:

body {
    background-color: red;

#logo-container img {
    opacity: 0.2;

#main-content-container, #side-menu-container {
    background-color: yellow;

and in my file I have:

html_static_path = ["_static"]

Which produces this beautiful new hotdog theme:


For fiddling around with the image size, adding some css for #logo-container img should work.

I'm going to close this issue now with 1.3.0 being released, but if you find that it doesnt quite work for you or have some more feedback, please dont hesitate to reopen it! ✨