Destination of containers when using
bmiles opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi I'm using to package up protocols to use on Transcriptic.
When a user specifies a container in the dialogue window, where the container is used in the protocol like so:
solid_culture_plate = params.solid_culture_plate
# manifest.json
"inputs": {
"solid_culture_plate": {
"type": "container",
"description": "Choose the container to plate the bacteria into"
Where is the storage location specified for this container in the protocol?
I think it might be in
class ProtocolInfo(object):
def __init__(self, json):
self.input_types = json['inputs']
def parse(self, protocol, inputs):
refs = inputs['refs']
params = inputs['parameters']
for name in refs:
ref = refs[name]
c = protocol.ref(
aqs = ref.get('aliquots')
if aqs:
for idx in aqs:
aq = aqs[idx]
if "properties" in aq:
out_params = {}
for k in self.input_types:
typeDesc = self.input_types[k]
out_params[k] = convert_param(protocol, params.get(k), typeDesc)
return out_params
But I could be wrong. Maybe storage=ref.get('store')
The problem I have is that I am running protocols with samples originally stored at cold_4
but it is storing them at ambient
after the protocol has executed and I need to fix this.
Thanks for your help, apologies in advance if I missed something, I tried to learn what I could from the source.
Hey Ben,
We're working on this right this second, will update you when it's fixed. It's partly something in the web app I believe, because you're right, it's getting your inputted container's storage condition from the line you pointed out in
That's great thanks, Tali. I was looking into writing a setStorage
function to get around it, so that will save me some time 🙌
solved by in v2.2.2