
Cannot run as Service

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I wrote a service file to use ANR to run a local devnet that doesn't get killed when I close my terminal but I cannot add a subnet to it when it's running in the service

Here is the error I get
Error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = avalanche exec is not defined

Here is the service


Description=Avalanche Network Runner


ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/code/avalanche-network-runner/bin/avalanche-network-runner server --log-level debug --port=":8080" --grpc-gateway-port=":8081"


Here is the command I am trying to run which gives the error above

avalanche-network-runner control start --log-level debug --endpoint="localhost:8080" --blockchain-specs '[{"vm_name": "tokenvm", "genesis": "/home/ubuntu/code/tests/tokenvm-genesis.json", "chain_config": "/home/ubuntu/code/tests/tokenvm-chain-config.json", "subnet_config": "/home/ubuntu/code/tests/tokenvm-subnet-config.json"}]'

It seems ANR is not finding a suitable executable. You can either use Environment= setting of the service configuration to set AVALANCHEGO_EXEC_PATH to the appropriate avago binary (I believe you may prefer this option).
Or you can add a flag --avalanchego-path to your avalanche-network-runner control start command.

Ok thanks that worked. I am also running it with a reverse proxy so I am going to try to make a modification that allows for requests from anywhere similar to the docker modification. https://github.com/ava-labs/avalanche-network-runner/pull/687/files