
run.sh script not working

narcis2007 opened this issue · 3 comments

I am trying to test the VM and the run script does not work in both testing or dev mode, it is stuck at waiting for all nodes to report healthy..., other times I get

{"level":"warn","ts":"2022-05-31T09:20:37.850Z","caller":"server/server.go:387","msg":"start custom VMs failed to complete","error":"context deadline exceeded"}
panic: context deadline exceeded

goroutine 49 [running]:
        /home/runner/work/avalanche-network-runner/avalanche-network-runner/server/server.go:388 +0x756
created by github.com/ava-labs/avalanche-network-runner/server.(*server).Start
        /home/runner/work/avalanche-network-runner/avalanche-network-runner/server/server.go:358 +0x19e5

can you please fix the script or is it something else that I need to do?

Another Issue I have is that the e2e tests are triggered no matter if I start the script with E2E=true or not and they always fail because of the connection to the nodes is refused

@narcis2007 thanks for the report can you confirm what version or branch you are testing against?

@narcis2007 thanks for the report can you confirm what version or branch you are testing against?

I was on the master branch, Go 1.17 on Ubuntu 20.04

Very interesting. I just ran the tip of master on MacOS and it worked without issue (./scripts/run.sh 1.7.11):

cluster is ready!
endpoint: /ext/bc/7L6nfNiN4VQuDfKmx7Y54hX8iyhWapn8tPLQznthmXR1BLgvX
logsDir: /var/folders/mp/6jm81gc11dv3xtcwxmrd8mcr0000gn/T/network-runner-root-data3589321946
pid: 44896
network-runner RPC server is running on PID 44895...

use the following command to terminate:

pkill -P 44895 && kill -2 44895 && pkill -9 -f sqja3uK17MJxfC7AN8nGadBw9JK5BcrsNwNynsqP5Gih8M5Bm

My guess is that you are running with the wrong AvalancheGo version at tip (must be 1.7.11).

Thanks for finding the regression where we always run E2E. We've put up a PR to skip the ClaimTx/SetTx tests: #111.