
vulnerability found in dependency

xemayebenes opened this issue · 5 comments

Last version throws audit fails

. -
Low Denial of Service
Package node-fetch
Patched in >=2.6.1 <3.0.0-beta.1
Dependency of avatax
Path avatax > isomorphic-fetch > node-fetch
More info https://npmjs.com/advisories/1556

Are you planning to fix this dependency?

HI, any news on that one?
There is now a High vulnerability in node-fetch dependency, when do you plan to upgrade to isomorphic-fetch@3.0.0?

I also think you should get rid of isomorphic-fetch and just use node-fetch@2.6.7. IMO isomorphic-fetch has no added value using node.js

seems to be resolved by 7d87bb4

Resolved in 22.5.0.