
Doc: Missing comma (,) in the README.md file for configuration

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi Team,

This is not big issue, just recommendation to make this library more useful.

const config = {
  appName: 'your-app',
  appVersion: '1.0',
  environment: 'sandbox',
  machineName: 'your-machine-name'
  timeout: 5000, // optional, default 20 min
  logOptions: {
    logEnabled: true, // toggle logging on or off, by default its off.
    logLevel: 3, // logLevel that will be used, Options are LogLevel.Error (0), LogLevel.Warn (1), LogLevel.Info (2), LogLevel.Debug (3)
    logRequestAndResponseInfo: true, // Toggle logging of the request and response bodies on and off.
    logger: myCustomLogger // (OPTIONAL) Custom logger can be passed in that implements the BaseLogger interface (e.g. debug, info, warn, error, and log functions) Otherwise console.log/error etc will be used by default.
  customHttpAgent: new https.Agent({keepAlive: true}), // (OPTIONAL) Define a custom https agent, import https from node to use this constructor. See https://node.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/https/#https_class_https_agent for more information.
  enableStrictTypeConversion: true // Ensures that all responses returned by the API methods will be type-safe and match the Models explicitly, For Example, the enums will be returned as integer values instead of as Strings as previously were.

machineName: 'your-machine-name'

Missing comma here. :)


@smiley717 Fixed in 23.8.1 release, thanks for the feedback.