
Support List/Array Types in client generation

SentryMan opened this issue · 2 comments

The following fails to compile.

public interface ApiClient {

  HttpResponse<byte[]> call(Holder[] body);

  HttpResponse<byte[]> call2(List<Holder> body);

  public static record Holder(int s) {}

It seems that imports are not being added correctly to the generated client.

import com.jojo.javalin.api.client.ApiClient;
import com.jojo.javalin.api.client.ApiClient.Holder[];
import io.avaje.http.api.*;
import io.avaje.http.client.HttpApiProvider;
import io.avaje.http.client.HttpClientContext;
import java.net.http.HttpResponse;
import java.util.List;

public class ApiClientHttpClient implements ApiClient {

  private final HttpClientContext clientContext;

  public ApiClientHttpClient(HttpClientContext ctx) {
    this.clientContext = ctx;

  // POST /post
  public HttpResponse<byte[]> call(Holder[] body) {
    return clientContext.request()

  // POST /post2
  public HttpResponse<byte[]> call2(List<Holder> body) {
    return clientContext.request()
... rest of the generation is fine

It seems that 1.20 is still unavailable on maven

Ah, they were sitting there in staging. I've just released them now.

I need to adjust the pom so that they auto-release from staging ...