
Snippet feedback

sindresorhus opened this issue · 3 comments

I included what I thought would be useful, but could use some feedback on it.


Anything missing or something that could be improved? (Assertion snippets are planned https://github.com/sindresorhus/atom-sublime/issues/1).

Sublime has pretty powerful snippet system http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/extensibility/snippets.html#substitutions, so I was thinking we could for example in the AVA snippet autofill the import by converting camelCase fooBar to foo-bar with a regex, e.g. import fooBar from 'foo-bar', so foo-bar is autofilled in this case.

Relevant Atom plugin discussion: avajs/atom-ava#4

@kipit mentioning you since you did such a great job with the EditorConfig snippets, in case you have some knowledge to share or want to help out :)

kipit commented

I will take a look nigthly. I get the idea.

kipit commented

Any feedback on #5?

I was also thinking to handle this syntax on ava snippet: import {foo, bar} from 'foo-module' but I’m not really familiar with ES6, is-it something we often encounter? If yes what can you purpose as module?