
Add configurable extension settings

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Settings window should allow the user to modify

  • Wallpaper sample resize (width/height)
  • Show notifications on theme update (on/off)
  • Customize color mappings (drop-down menu with material tokens)
  • Customize color opacities (slider for percentages)

Yeah something like the theme style!, like the repainter app, from android.

Hi, i made a pull request for the notification setting.
#25 (comment)
Hope it's a good start.

Yeah something like the theme style!, like the repainter app, from android. Screenshot_20220805-082912_Repainter

I modified pull request #25 to add a setting for using vibrant colors, which changes the color mappings to use surface +3,4 primary layers and tertiary colors. This can be see in version 10 of the extension.

I think the next improvement is updating the settings menu to have a selectable list of color mapping choices like the repainter app.

Version 11 of the extension adds all color styles from the image above, notifications enable/disable, and wallpaper sample configuration (notifications won't trigger on enable() or disable() to avoid security risk mentioned in issue #26)

I'm not exactly sure how to add a formatted text entry and text schema to enable custom css addition from issue #20. So if anyone has ideas on how to do that please post below or submit pr.


Yeah, i saw the update its pretty cool, thank you!