
ClipJump Copy/Paste Triggered in Certain Scenarios Even Though Windows Based Shortcuts Enabled

megamorphg opened this issue · 0 comments

In some programs, when doing a copy, ClipJump is triggered even though Hotkey based Shortucts is enabled.


This happens in multiple applications but Excel is one of them:

  1. Enable windows based shortcuts and restart Clipjump
  2. Open an Excel document with data and perform a copy and paste of a few rows.
  3. Notice that the ClipJump Tooltip appears indicating it is copying to clipboard.
  4. This causes a failure to even copy sometimes or paste sometimes (because Clipjump is monitoring the clipboard and interfering?).
  5. Try copying again and notice that it works this time.

The effect is that copy and paste is sometimes unreliable.
This issue does not occur when ClipJump is not enabled.