
Question: why not org-mode ?

Trevoke opened this issue · 2 comments

Org mode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system.


I have heard about that before but since I never really got the hang of emacs/vi, I didn't care to explore it. How much of "emacs" knowledge is required to effectively use org-mode?

Almost none. All you really need is:

  1. start emacs
  2. create a new file
  3. save changes to the file

There are a lot of intros to org-mode on youtube, here's a few videos that I like:

  1. The creator of org-mode talking about it at Google Tech Talks in 2008 ( 45 minutes ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJTwQvgfgMM
  2. An intro to org-mode that assumes you don't have emacs installed ( 18 minutes ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzZ09dAbLEE
  3. To date the most complete thing I've seen on org-mode, this guy is making a bunch of short videos on org-mode features and makes them all very approachable: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVtKhBrRV_ZkPnBtt_TD1Cs9PJlU0IIdE