
checkpoints/KITTI_comb/checkpoint_best.ckpt always gives occlusion maps of all zeros

RK621 opened this issue · 1 comments

RK621 commented

Dear Authors,

1). I got occlusion maps of all zeros when evaluating using the pretrained model "checkpoints/KITTI_comb/checkpoint_best.ckpt".

2). However, when I overwrite "checkpoints/KITTI_comb/checkpoint_best.ckpt" with the files moving from "checkpoints/Sintel_comb/checkpoint_best.ckpt", and did the same thing in 1), the occlusion map is not zero.

Was the occlusion being trained when creating the checkpoint "checkpoints/KITTI_comb/checkpoint_best.ckpt"?

Thank you very much!


My environment is
python 3.7.3
pytorch 1.1.0
CUDA 9.0

The correlation package has been installed based on the instruction in the IRR-PWC repository.

Hi @RK621,

You are correct, we trained the occlusion estimator only for the Sintel models.
In order to retrain it with occlusion you'll need to change the dataset loader of KITTI.
