
textStyle prop not working. Also cannot find type declarations

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Using version v1.0.8.

      name={`${card.firstName} ${card.lastName}`}
      borderRadius={90 / 2}
          borderColor: "#00A5B9",
          borderWidth: 3,
          fontFamily: 'OpenSans-Bold',
          fontSize: 20,

Referred to these two issues first (#62 and #60 ) where it was mentioned it was resolved in v1.0.8 but I am still getting the issue.

Here's how the types are referenced in package.json for react-native-user-avatar in v1.0.8

"react-native": "src/index.js",
  "types": "lib/typescript/src/index.d.ts",
  "files": [

Thanks @ahnafnafee, working on a fix


Any news? Sadly, this issue still exists.

any update?

As a temporary fix for typescript add the code mention in the comment - #60 (comment) to an index.d.ts file and refer it in you tsconfig.json file.
For example I have create file with the above code in src/types/libs/react-native-user-avatar/index.d.ts and added it to to tsconfig as shown below

"compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true,
    "paths": {
      "*": [ "./src/types/libs/*"]

any update to textStyle?