
Can trManager manage a transaction if queries to the database are launched in parallel in different goroutines?

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For example:

trManager.Do { 
    g := errGroup{}

    g.Go func1{ updateDB() }
    g.Go func2{ updateDB() }
    g.Go func3{ 
        time.Sleep(5 seconds)
        return err // will the transaction work correctly?

    return g.Wait()


Fast answer is yes but there is some restrictions.

  1. Creating nested transaction / savepoints could create problems.
  2. If a database driver, not to be confused with the driver in the trm library, supports concurrency processing.

Also, you can use -race option to check race condition problems.
Could you share more about your use case or more details code?

Thanks for the quick reply!

Sure, here are some details. I connect to different tables in the same database:

import (
	trmsqlx "github.com/avito-tech/go-transaction-manager/sqlx"

type FirstRepository struct {
	db            *sqlx.DB
	txGetter  *trmsqlx.CtxGetter

type SecondRepository struct {
	db            *sqlx.DB
	txGetter  *trmsqlx.CtxGetter

type ThirdRepository struct {
	db            *sqlx.DB
	txGetter  *trmsqlx.CtxGetter
trManager := manager.Must(trmsqlx.NewDefaultFactory(postgresDB))
firstRepo = firstRepository.NewFirstRepository(postgresDB, trmsqlx.DefaultCtxGetter)
secondRepo = secondRepository.NewSecondRepository(postgresDB, trmsqlx.DefaultCtxGetter)
thirdRepo = thirdRepository.NewThirdRepository(postgresDB, trmsqlx.DefaultCtxGetter)
job := NewJob(
type Job struct {
	trManager           *manager.Manager
	firstRepo             FirstRepo
	secondRepo       SecondRepo
        thirdRepo            ThirdRepo

func (j *Job) Update() {
	g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)

        g.Go(func() error {
                return j.firstRepo.Update()
        g.Go(func() error {
                return j.secondRepo.Update()
        g.Go(func() error {
                return j.thirdRepo.Update()

        return g.Wait()

I don't see problems but I cannot run and see full code.

However, you don't send ctx in Update and a transaction would not be sent inside repository.