
Transaction Manager over GORM

Flaiers opened this issue · 0 comments


Gorm currently has a transaction management feature, but the code for many operations looks overloaded.


We have a service (UserService) to work with the user. When debiting a user's account, we must:

  1. Get the record with the user's balance
  2. Сheck whether funds can be debited from the user's account
  3. Debit from the user's account
  4. Create a transaction that the debit was successful

If we get an error on one of these, we must roll back. Code samples:

Implementation transaction service

cat internal/service/transaction.go
package service


type TransactionService struct {
	repository *repository.TransactionRepository


func (s *TransactionService) Create(
	transactionCreate *dto.TransactionCreate, tx ...*gorm.DB,
) (*entity.Transaction, error) {
	return s.repository.Create(
			Type:      transactionCreate.Type,
			Amount:    transactionCreate.Amount,
			UserID:    transactionCreate.UserID,
			OrderID:   transactionCreate.OrderID,
			ServiceID: transactionCreate.ServiceID,
		}, tx...,

Implementation user service

cat internal/service/user.go
package service


type UserService struct {
	repository         *repository.UserRepository
	transactionService *TransactionService


func (s *UserService) WithdrawUserBalance(
	userID uuid.UUID, userWithdrawal *dto.UserWithdrawal, tx ...*gorm.DB,
) (*entity.User, error) {
	var user *entity.User
	err := s.repository.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) (err error) {
		user, err = s.FindOne(userID, tx)
		if err != nil {
		user, err = s.repository.WithdrawUserBalance(
			user, userWithdrawal.Amount, tx,
		if err != nil {
		_, err = s.transactionService.Create(&dto.TransactionCreate{
			Type:      "withdrawal",
			Amount:    userWithdrawal.Amount,
			UserID:    userID,
			OrderID:   userWithdrawal.OrderID,
			ServiceID: userWithdrawal.ServiceID,
		}, tx)
		if err != nil {

	}, tx...)

	return user, err

Implementation transaction repository

cat internal/repository/transaction.go
package repository


type TransactionRepository struct {
	db *gorm.DB


func (r *TransactionRepository) txDefault(tx ...*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
	if len(tx) < 1 {
		return r.db

	return tx[0]

func (r *TransactionRepository) Create(
	transaction *entity.Transaction, tx ...*gorm.DB,
) (*entity.Transaction, error) {
	err := r.txDefault(tx...).Create(transaction).Error
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return transaction, nil

Implementation user repository

cat internal/repository/user.go
package repository


type UserRepository struct {
	db *gorm.DB


func (r *UserRepository) Transaction(
	fn func(*gorm.DB) error, tx ...*gorm.DB,
) error {
	return r.txDefault(tx...).Transaction(fn)

func (r *UserRepository) txDefault(tx ...*gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
	if len(tx) < 1 {
		return r.db

	return tx[0]


func (r *UserRepository) WithdrawUserBalance(
	user *entity.User, amount uint, tx ...*gorm.DB,
) (*entity.User, error) {
	if user.Balance < amount || user.Balance == 0 {
		return nil, errors.New("user balance is not enough")
	user.Balance -= amount
	err := r.txDefault(tx...).Save(user).Error
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return user, nil


Using the standard gorm transaction manager forces you to add transaction management logic on both the service and the repository level, and the code nesting when opening a transaction is not good enough.