
Notification handling

jklmnn opened this issue · 2 comments

I have stripped down your setup a bit for me, so I'm using only the i3 and compton config and plasmas env/wm.sh script. I have set up two machines with this and it mostly works fine. There are only two minor issues:

  • Plasma background isn't closing even though I have set for_window [title="Desktop — Plasma"] kill; floating enable; border none. This not a big Problem as I can close it with ctrl+shift+q.
  • Notifications. On one machine I have Plasma notifications and on one I have the i3 ones. Do you have any idea what decides which notifications should be used? I'd alyways like to have the Plasma ones.

Plasma background isn't closing even though I have set for_window [title="Desktop — Plasma"] kill; floating enable; border none. This not a big Problem as I can close it with ctrl+shift+q.

Do you have the string exec --no-startup-id wmctrl -c Plasma too? Try running wmctrl -c Plasma in the terminal and see if it actually kills the wallpaper (maybe you don't have the wmctrl package?).

If none of the above works, maybe the name changed:
What version of Plasma are you on? (I'm still on 5.8.4) Use xprop, click on the background and check the WM_NAME(STRING).

Notifications. On one machine I have Plasma notifications and on one I have the i3 ones. Do you have any idea what decides which notifications should be used? I'd alyways like to have the Plasma ones.

i3 doesn't include any notification handling, maybe you have installed i3 from a package which includes a notification daemon or you have one preinstalled. Check if you have dunst installed.

I indeed had dunst installed, removing it brought the Plasma notifications back. It comes as recommended with i3 in Debian.
Also xprop helped me to identify the window name, I had to use _NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING).
Thanks for your help!