
Cover of Customized library group change back when I refresh the storage location

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Hentoid Version: 1.19.5

Device/Android Version: Galaxy S24

Issue details / Repro steps: when I refresh location at the settings, the thumbnail cover of my customized group in library change back to the previous cover. I've first tried changing the cover manually but it wasn't permanent(changed back after refreshing location). Then I relocated every other books in the customized group, so that the book I was intending to set as the cover of the group would become the first book to be located in that group. However it also didn't work out. What I haven't tried yet is redownloading every other books in that group cause it would require a lot of time and effort. I wonder what the mechanism of setting the cover of a customized library group is.

Stack trace / LogCat:

paste stack trace and/or log here
I've added my screenshots

This is log before refreshing

This is log after refreshing


Additional info.
The thumnail itself is not the original cover of the book.
I've changed the thumbnail file myself.