
Squid proxy that can be used as browser proxy in front of a corporate proxy or as dns resolving proxy for a docker network

Primary LanguageShell

Forward Proxy

This image runs a squid serving as a forward proxy. It can be used

  • transparently: only for http urls! and you need to add the routing.
  • non-transparently:
    • means: your client must be configured to use this proxy.
      • in a browser, change the networking settings and enter proxy for http and if you want https
      • for linux commands using the http(s)_proxy environment variables

It's small

It is based on alpine linux which gives you a super small image size of about 26mb only.


  1. This proxy comes as an advantage to those confined behind corporate firewalls that demand credentials. You can enter your credentials when starting the proxy. Then continue using this proxy without credentials.

    notice that all your requests still get logged on the corporate proxy!
  2. This proxy also can be used especially in virtualized lab environments where the docker host changes. Simply reference the docker bridge ip from within your containers/dockerfiles:

    RUN set -x && export http_proxy=""  \		 
    	 && apk add --update curl gettext acf-squid bash gnutls-utils
  3. This proxy - like any http proxy - features dns resolution on his side. Configure your browser to use the proxy and check the option to resolve names at the proxy. This will allow you to browse urls with hostnames that cannot be resolved on your local desktop but can be resolved from the docker container where the proxy runs in.

Building with a fixed proxy address

This proxy is not transparent, you still need to configure each client to use it explicitly. BUT its address can be fixed to

Why? Because this is the default docker bridge ip, and unless you start your docker daemon with --bip or other options that change this default ip, you can consider this being never changing between environments.


ENV http_proxy=""
RUN apk add --update curl gettext   


RUN (http_proxy="" apk add --update curl gettext)


ENV http_proxy=""
RUN apt-get update && \
	apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends software-properties-common python-software-properties

Starting (with makefile)##

Start with the right environment variables set to define the parent proxy. the parent proxy is usually your corporate proxy. Proxy user and password can be given also:

$ make create
$ make start START_ARGS="-e parent_proxy=wwwproxy -e parent_port=80 -e proxy_user=myname -e proxy_pass=secret"

If you want to purge the data collected (cached), remove the data volume container with

$ make remove-data create

Here are all arguments available

variable default description
parent_proxy the hostname or ip to the proxy that is next (corporate proxy)
parent_port 80 the port where the parent proxy listens
proxy_user if your parent proxy needs authentication, put the username here
proxy_pass= <empty .. and your user's password here

Starting (with docker run)##

$ docker create  -v /var/spool/squid -v /var/log/squid  data-forward-proxy devhub/forward-proxy /bin/true

$ docker run -d -p 3128:3128 --name squid  --volumes-from  data-forward-proxy devhub/forward-proxy"

Starting (with makefile)##

Using the proxy on other docker containers and during build

You simply have to configure the http_proxy variable:

export http_proxy=  

Test it!

Make a test on the docker host line (outside of the docker containers)

$ (export http_proxy= && curl http://www.heise.de)

Then enter any container and do it again from the inside:


SSL proxy is non-transparent.

It can proxy SSL/TLS/https urls but only when the client has a https proxy configured! this

$ (export https_proxy= && curl http://www.google.de)

Check what gets cached: squid access.log

$ sudo docker exec -ti forward-proxy tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log

Use as linux package cache?

You can use the proxy as package cache. Just size the persistent cache big enough (full ubuntu takes 100 MB) or trust the cache eviction of Squid.

I tested it for Ubuntu and for Alpine packages.

Cache settings

Most used cache setting is available as ENV variable and can be changed with the docker run:

-e disk_cache_mb=500

Change other parameters in the squid.conf and rebuild the docker image.

Setup proxy for downloading base images from Dockerhub

On RHEL6/Ubuntu go to file /etc/default/docker (create it if not existent) and add the line:

$ vi /etc/default/docker
export http_proxy=
export https_proxy=
export HTTP_PROXY=

On RHEL7/Centos, remove the export

$ vi /etc/sysconfig/docker

Note also that setting the proxy on the docker daemon does not change how the docker container connects to the internet. during build dockerfile commands still need explicit setting of proxy settings as described in this readme.


Does not work, apt-get command hangs

It is not sufficient to set the http_proxy variable on your docker host and then start the docker build! docker build command never accepts any environment variables from the host. (if it does it would make the build become environment-dependent!)

Downloading base image blocks hangs

You can also not change the way dockerhub registry is accessed when downloading base images: to introduce a proxy, you have to change DOCKER_OPTS on the docker daemon (with redhat/centos/ubuntu -> file /etc/default/docker)

I set the proxy on the /etc/default/docker but build hangs

Setting the proxy on the daemon only changes how the daemon connects to docker registries (esp. dockerhub). This setting is solely used during the FROM line of the dockerfile. Once the daemon downloaded the base image, it starts the docker build within a container! That container gets networking but does not inherit environment variables since this would make builds become environment-dependent.

Transparent proxying

Read this:


Further reading
