
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module '/node_modules/filesize/lib/filesize'

binarykitchen opened this issue · 5 comments

Looks like with the recent version bump v3.5.8 filesize is breaking my local branch for the videomail app.

Does not happen when I revert back to the previous version. Using browserify here to require it. Can you look at this?

evoyy commented

I'm also having problems compiling my app with latest filesize.js (v3.5.8). I'm using webpack v1.15.0, node v7.3.0.

WARNING in ./~/filesize/index.js
Critical dependencies:
1:17-155 the request of a dependency is an expression
 @ ./~/filesize/index.js 1:17-155

Don't use 3.5.8 or webpack? it's a loader script for node.js.

I'm kinda surprised webpack can't deal with that.

@binarykitchen @evoyy this is a webpack bug. feel free to link them. unit tests pass* when this thing compiles; not my concern. i don't use overly complex toolchains, so I have no skin in this game.

I'll revert 3.5.8 as 3.5.9 and this'll be considered something that can't be done due to the impact. i'm a little bummed as I was setting this up over 2 years, but shrug.