
VRSpace 0.2.1

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Made another upgrade :)
Found a resource leak - shared object positions may remain in the database after object deletion. We're not doing it so we're not affected yet.
I'll upgrade the server now, no changes on client side.
A note on how I discovered it - I found a tool to work with embedded Neo4j. It's badly obsolete so I had to make my own fork:
Online demo here: https://console.neo4j.org/
It can't work with a live database, only when server is brought down and releases the lock, so it's of very limited use. Then again, it's just what I needed.

BTW, a glance into our database :)

I have jsdoc generated: https://www.vrspace.org/docs/jsdoc/index.html
Not as good as ctrl+click in IDE, yet better than nothing.