

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Implement the soundstage ClientFactory so that I can add custom authentication and authorization logic.

The list below is not intended for you to necessarily develop, simply documenting that the final goals of the custom ClientFactory are:

Authenticate users

  • Ensure that user has sufficient rights to connect to the space (varies by user/instance/event)
  • Limit connections to ensure we are within a given spaces capacity limit (this varies by "world" for example nightclub vs outdoor festival)


  • Secure admin actions
  • Secure stage control actions

Pushed to main branch.

ClientFactory has three methods:

Specify custom factory by implementing the interface, overriding method(s) you want, like this:

Then this default factory can be replaced by specifying new factory in configuration property, like
or by overriding a factory configuration, like

Note HTTP headers available to factory methods.
JWT is typically passed as Authorization header, cookies also can be found there, etc.