
Local dev shared properties

Opened this issue · 10 comments

When I point VRSpace to my local vrspace server, the shared properties don't seem to be working right.

The night club will load just fine, and I will play a video, or modify the environment state using stage controls (with 'save state' checked), but when I refresh the page, the world is back to it's default state.

Make no different whether I'm using filesystem db or stand-alone neo4j server.

Wow, you've been busy, 50 commits since I checked out last :)
But I can't get basic functions to work, audio and video streaming.
https://mixer.soundstage.fm/connect net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
(was undefined/connect before I modified .env.local)
and then logs "HiFi connected". Still, no sound.
Video freezes after 2nd user connects, nothing on the console.
Every movement results in
[Vue warn]: Runtime directive used on component with non-element root node. The directives will not function as intended.
at <UserControls debugging=null recording=false user-settings= {enableStereo: false, stereoGainBoost: 1, enableWebcamFeeds: true, enableVisuals: true, selectedAudioDeviceId: "default", …} ... >

But I can confirm that saving state does not work as expected.
This is consequence of improved garbage collection - by default, shared objects are temporary, and are deleted after the client disconnects. You can see it in server log, e.g.
Deleted owned temporary ID(className=VRObject, id=628)
So I made it not temporary, pushed.

This is consequence of two things, first I made shared worlds publicly available in babylon playground so people started leaving trash around, second, my security guy left a lot of trash around during pen testing.
Ability to create persistent (non-temporary) objects is going to be part of admin/author role(s) eventually...


I just pushed a fix for the warning you were seeing when you move, go ahead and pull.

also your VUE_APP_MIXER_URL was outdated and also missing VUE_APP_MIXER_TOKEN, try the config below.

This seems to work for me with a local server, video and audio.

Give it a shot and let me know how it goes.

Also, check out the new store :)

correction try this one:


That fixed audio.
Re video getting stuck, it only freezes in chrome (including edge), when I enter the space twice, e.g. open 2nd tab.
Multiple tabs work fine in mozilla.
One thing different is

HiFi state Connecting
Chrome74.js?d0d4:121 [Deprecation] Obsolete constraint named googCpuOveruseEncodeUsage is ignored. Please stop using it.
run @ Chrome74.js?d0d4:121
Chrome74.js?d0d4:121 [Deprecation] Obsolete constraint named googCpuUnderuseThreshold is ignored. Please stop using it.
run @ Chrome74.js?d0d4:121
Chrome74.js?d0d4:121 [Deprecation] Obsolete constraint named googCpuOveruseThreshold is ignored. Please stop using it.
run @ Chrome74.js?d0d4:121

that doesn't show up in mozilla.

3rd tab died with
Slide Show!
nightclub.js?7c98:1675 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'material' of null
at r.eval [as callback] (webpack-internal:///./src/lib/worlds/nightclub.js:2423)
at e.notifyObservers (babylon.js:16)
at t.render (babylon.js:16)
at loop (webpack-internal:///./src/lib/vrspace/vrspace-ui.js:3138)
at t._renderFrame (babylon.js:16)
at t._renderLoop (babylon.js:16)
nightclub.js?7c98:1673 Slide Show!

not just video but entire browser tab, only thing I was able to do is close it.
But only once, can't get this again.
That might indicate synchronization issues - that VideoAvatar has no mesh when the video is starting.
It doesn't explain why video of first user also gets stuck though.
Note that the first video continues once I close the second tab.

I'm stumped by all the issues you're experiencing.

Might be worth a joint troubleshooting session?

Probably so, let's catch up over weekend? Been a while anyway, let's catch up.

Hehe by that time my Americans wake up :) I'd prefer earlier hours.
I'll create another ticket to keep track of this, all unrelated to this one, we'll handle it sometimes.