
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Avra.Me Portfolio Showcase

This is a custom resume using React, Gatsby and Netlify CMS


  • I want to be able to customize my online portfolio without touching my code.
  • I want my portfolio to look modern and be responsive.
  • I want my portfolio to be customizable at a technical level should I feel like it.
  • As a stretch goal, I would like to be able to print out my portfolio as a resume
  • Todo: Properly release this thing (requires a code cleanup)

Node.js 12+ (versions below could work, but are not tested)


  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/avra-me/avra-me.github.io
  2. Install dependencies, this can take a minute

    cd <name of dir>
    npm install
  3. Start the local server

    npm start

Your browser should now open and show the app. Otherwise open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser. Editing files will automatically refresh the page.

What to do next?

If you are new to React, you should watch a basic React tutorial first.

If you already know React, then most of the information you need is in the Material-UI documentation.

You can go into src/theme.js and change the primary and secondary color codes at the top of the script to the values you like and some magic will happen.


If you are happy with the state of your website you can run:

npm run build

It will create a folder named build with your compiled project inside. After that copy its content into your webroot and you are ready to go.

Built on top of

  • Gatsby - Generating a static site from dynamic content
  • Netlify CMS - A Version controlled content management system, enables content changes without touching the code
  • Material-UI - Material Design components
  • Reach-Router - Client side routing
  • Framer-Motion - Animations based on viewport


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.