
Can not find required columns: sku

lucasalcantara opened this issue · 0 comments

I am following this documentation to import data and this is my data that I am trying to import.

$data = array(
        'sku' => '49001240',
        '_type' => 'simple',
        "_attribute_set" => 'Default',
        "_product_websites" => "base",
        "name" => "Acai Saft Plus [aus dem sortiment, für tests verwendet]",
        "price" => 18.7,
        "description" => "",
        "short_description" => "Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.",
        "status" => "Disabled",
        "visibility" => "Catalog, Search",
        "tax_class_id" => "MwSt 2.5%",
        "qty" => 1,
        "_website" => "Vitaland.ch"

After I call the method $import->processProductImport($data); it throws an exception saying that cannot find the sku column. Any thoughts how can I fix this?

OBS: The example in the documentation is not working (which it throws an exception Invalid value in Website column (website does not exists?)) do I have to create an issue for that?