
Incorrectly fixed list of class contants, separated by comma.

shirokovnv opened this issue · 1 comments


After upgrading from php version 7.4.16 to 8.1.7 and upgrading package version from 1.0 to 1.3, the fixer incorrectly indents
list of constants in classes.

Expected behaviour

Correct indentation of constants.

Actual behaviour

Indentation of constants starts incorrectly from the second line.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Define list of class constants with beautyful indentation.
class Myclass {
    public const
        IOS     = 'ios',
        ANDROID     = 'android',
        HUAWEI      = 'huawei';
  • Run fixer and see incorrect indentation:
class Myclass {
    public const
        IOS     = 'ios',
    ANDROID     = 'android', // ???
    HUAWEI      = 'huawei'; // ???

System information

  • PHP version(s): [8.1.7]
  • Package version(s): [1.3.0]
  • Version of pulled inner-dependency friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer is 3.9.5