
path argument in DelSolr::Client constructor

Closed this issue · 3 comments

It would be very beneficial to have an addition 'path' argument in DelSolr::Client.new(:server => 'solr1', :port => 8983) to support non canonical setups (e.g., multicore or whatever).

That's a good suggestion. I assume you're referring to the /solr/update portion of the url. I'll take a look at adding that.

I am referring to the solr home path, everything else is relative to that (I think). Not all installation have the solr home path set to http:/www.somesite.com/solr, some may have it on http://www.somesite.com/ or http://www.somesite.com/whatever/solr etc

Ok, I updated DelSolr::Client with a :path option and pushed a new version (0.0.4) to gemcutter.