
Ethereum-based NFT Contract Using Hardhat

Welcome to the Ethereum-based NFT Contract built using Hardhat! This repository guides you through creating your very own basic NFT (Non-Fungible Token) contract on the Ethereum blockchain. Whether you're a developer looking to delve into the world of NFTs or simply exploring Ethereum's capabilities, this is the perfect place to start.


Before you get started, make sure you have node and npm installed. If not, you can download them from here.

Getting Started

1. Install Required Packages

To set up the environment for the project, run:

npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox

Next, to include the ERC271 module for OpenZeppelin NFT contracts, run:

npm install --save-dev @openzeppelin/contracts

2. Configure Environment Variables

You will need to create and configure a .env file in the root directory of the project. Use this command for setting up env file

npm install dotenv

In this file, add:


Replace YOUR_QUICKNODE_URL with the URL which can be fetched from QuickNode. And, replace YOUR_METAMASK_PRIVATE_KEY with the private key from your MetaMask.

Note: Be cautious with your private key. Never share it, commit it, or expose it in any public forum. Always keep it confidential.

3. Run the Project

After setting up the environment and configuring the variables, you're all set! To execute the project, simply run:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia

Copy the contract address it gives you, and look it up on Sepolia Etherscan - open up the first transaction there and it will show you that a NFT was minted and transfered to your address!


Congratulations! You've now set up and are ready to deploy your very own Ethereum-based NFT contract. Explore the codebase, try deploying your NFT, and have fun experimenting!