extract-method UI
awatson1978 opened this issue · 0 comments
Take a close look at the 'extract-method' package. It's ostensibly written for Ruby, but it has the complete pattern for adding menu items to Atom. The next big milestone of the 'meteor-api' package is to pretty much incorporate the entire 'extract-method' package, and adjust the three or four lines of ruby code into node/javascript.
Then. Take a look at starrynight.meteor.com. It's the node utility I've been working on. A bit of a hodge-podge, everything-and-the-kitchen-sink sort of utility.
You'll see a few interesting commands, such as:
starrynight rename --from /path/to/component --to /new/path
starrynight find-and-replace --from oldTerm --to newTerm
These are intended to be hooked up to the Atom UI. So, StarryNight and Meteor-API are going to converge.
Also. With the StarryNight utility, we've managed to swap out the Firfox browser of Nightwatch with Chrome; and the Phantom browser of TinyTest with Chrome. Add in Meteor-Api, which provides an IDE based in Chrome, and we now have an isomorphic API across Client, IDE, and Testing environment. Aw yeah!