
How do I compile

Suspect-byte opened this issue · 7 comments


First of all thanks for creating this masterpiece.
Second how do I compile the script. I am really new to arduino. I managed to install all the libararies, but I get all questions marks in the sketch after adding the libaries. I need to change the GPIO pins for data for my ESP32 because I don't have a GPIO 0.

Could you head me to the right direction.

Thanks in advance

Thanks! Are you sure you don't have GPIO 0 on your board? Do you have a link to your model or could you take a detailed picture of your ESP32? I've never met a generic ESP2 board without that port available and in this case do you have VSPI interface? Without VSPI (or at least HSPI but I didn't test it) you won't be able to connect to your RPi.

If you are starting your fun with the Arduino Studio then first make sure you set up your ESP32 environmental using one of the typical tutorial you can find one the internet. E.g Follow it, compile the test sketch, upload to ESP32 and watch the result. If everything is fine then return back to HyperSPI, install needed libraries, compile&upload the sketch (select "ESP32 dev board" as a target) and connect to the serial output at 115200 speed. You should have some output.

BTW GPIO0 is used only for SPI leds. I only see one case when you may need it: very fast (~40Mb)&stable SPI for LED strip which is not available for Rpi. Still, the RPI to ESP32 communication will be a bottleneck.

In that offer all these boards have GPIO0 and GPIO2. E.g. GPIO0 can be marked as IO0 or simply 0

Edit: In 30 pin version I can't locate them. But either can't locate VSPI interface so maybe ask the seller about schematic.

@awawa-dev I found a schematic I dont see a GPIO0 but I found a MOSI at GPIO23 and a MISO at GPIO19

Migrated to platformio. Online-compiling manual: