rabbitmq-aws plugin doing unnecessaary calls to AWS API on rabbitmq start
ss7pro opened this issue · 3 comments
ss7pro commented
FIs there anyway we can stop rabbitmq-aws plugin doing calls to AWS api ? On my setup it eats about 2 minutes (due to multiple circumstances :P)
=ERROR REPORT==== 10-Oct-2016::15:30:38 ===
Failed to retrieve AWS credentials: undefined
It would be nice that we somehow stop this plugin from doing it's work when aws integration is not used.
gmr commented
That should not happen if you're not enabling the AWS backend. Which version are you using and with which backend?
ss7pro commented
I'm using latest version, but this message comes from rabbitmq-aws plugin not autocluster.
ss7pro commented
I fiugured out that. rabbitmq-aws plugin is always trying to reach metadata server, to get credentials data. I've opened a bug in their repo: gmr/rabbitmq-aws#2