<fb-uploader> Upload don't work
spawnkiller100101 opened this issue · 2 comments
spawnkiller100101 commented
Hello !
I try AWES since one week. But I have problem with <fb-uploader>
, i cant upload a file.
i put it on my modal-window:
<modal-window name="boxes" class="modal_formbuilder" title="Create">
<form-builder url="{{ route('boxes.store') }}" :disabled-dialog="true" enctype="multipart/form-data" @sended="AWES.emit('content::boxes:update')">
<fb-uploader name="file" url="boxes"></fb-uploader>
When i select a file, the statute change from Finished. That's fine. But the file wasn't uploaded and if ($request->hasFile('file'))
dont work too.
So, i dont understand what is the problem, maybe i forgot something.
If anyone has an idea or something i forgot, i'm blocked.
spawnkiller100101 commented
I have this when I select file in the uploader input:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at s.addFileNameToForm (main.js?v=20200915211023:7)
at gn (main.js?v=20200915211023:7)
at s.n (main.js?v=20200915211023:7)
at gn (main.js?v=20200915211023:7)
at s.t.$emit (main.js?v=20200915211023:7)
at s.allEvent (vue-uploader.js:2837)
at n.<anonymous> (event.js:43)
at each (utils.js:63)
at n.trigger (event.js:42)
spawnkiller100101 commented
I think I dont understand that :
Component features
The example above requires the response of the following type after loading the test-file.txt file to /upload-files in order to run correctly:
"meta": {
"path": "/tmp/da8fhd7gh54da8fh74f7f747gh54df7f/test-file.txt"
This path will be sent to the field of the files form.
Where I put this ?