
Getting FrozenError (can't modify frozen String: "false") after upgrading to Ruby 2.7.3 using awesome_print (1.9.2)

ritec opened this issue · 5 comments

ritec commented

Recently upgraded to Ruby 2.7.3 and all of the sudden we are getting the error below

irb(main):005:0> ap User.last
Traceback (most recent call last):
FrozenError (can't modify frozen String: "false")

I upgraded awesome print to the latest awesome_print (1.9.2) but we are still having the same issue.
This error happens when ap is used before any ActiveRecord call. Any ideas?

Weird, it looks like it works on some models and not on others. Simpler models seem to work, more complex models have the freeze issue.

@ritec This is unrelated to awesome_print. Upgrade irb and reline and you should see the issue disappear.

ritec commented

@ryansch Oh wow, I did not have much time to research in depth but I will close the issue now then. Thanks for the heads up!

ritec commented

@ryansch hmmm upgraded both and still having the same issue.

@ritec If you're using bundler, you need to specify them in your Gemfile.

ritec commented

ok thanks, I now did that and nothing prints when I do ap User.last for example, but I don't want this to turn into a help me session more than it has so I will go ahead and leave it at that. Thanks. Something funky is definitely going on here.