
generated HTML in the docs is sometimes falsely escaped

mqus opened this issue · 10 comments

mqus commented

While rewriting my rc.lua to awesome4(thank you for the nice work btw ;-) ) i noticed some 'over-escaped' statements in the examples section of that shouldn't be there

value         = <span class="number">0.33</span> 

should be:

value         = 0.33

Thanks for the report!

Do you want to pick this up (just a guess about the issue coming through your changes though!)

Feel free to try fixing it yourself in the aweesome repo.. :)

Uhm. The question is: Why is the doc wrong? I have the correct docs locally. Does Ubuntu Ancient have a version of markdown-something with a different behaviour?

Oh and: I think this span tag is added by LDoc/markdown/something-else and not by us...?

Maybe related to having lua-discount installed or not?!
Also there are different markdown implementations being considered by ldoc itself.
FWIW: it looks good locally for me, too.

I have lua-discount 2.1.8-2 (debian testing) installed. I do not have lua-markdown installed. Those are the two optional dependencies of lua-ldoc here.
Travis uses lua-discount and markdown-0.33-1 (???).

Maybe awesomeWM/awesome#1428 fixes it?!

Then the wrong one is caused by
Or it is fixed by now, but we're building the v4 tag there still..?!

I've built v4.0 locally, and it is also correct (i.e. arcchart_border_color and not arcchartbordercolor like on /doc/api..

mqus commented

as this seems to be solved (Thank you!), I'll close the issue