A QR Code generator for React Native based on react-native-svg and node-qrcode.
- 6
Unable to resolve "react-native-svg/css" Unable to resolve "react-native-svg/css" from "node_modules/react-native-qrcode-svg/src/LogoSVG/index.native.js"
#225 opened by cay-cospete - 0
- 0
generated QR unreadble
#219 opened by iversions - 2
Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNSVGSvgViewAndroid" was not found in the UIManager.
#186 opened by alimaniddekh - 2
getting error Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNSVGSvgViewAndroid" was not found in the UIManager while using react-native-qrcode-svg package in react native expo.
#193 opened by abrarulhaq7 - 3
Android app crushed when use version 6.1.1
#204 opened by RunliSong - 0
Transparent logo background should clip out a square
#211 opened by yefim - 5
Logo not working
#189 opened by budwol - 7
Property 'TextEncoder' doesn't exist
#199 opened by syuanlj - 2
Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNSVGLinearGradient" was not found in the UIManager.
#198 opened by Flaviano-Rodrigues - 0
OH的qrcode-svg不支持设置 logoBorderRadius 和 quietZone
#197 opened by 2361391426 - 0
Accessible label for screen readers
#191 opened by DalisonCPU - 4
App getting crashed in iOS 17.0
#188 opened by nirmalsinhrathodcygnet - 2
crash app in iOS
#160 opened by longhuynhthanh - 1
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Add custom props for center logo.
#187 opened by hungvu193 - 4
how to auto size
#181 opened by sweetyguazi - 2
Consistent QR Code
#179 opened by longtran2613 - 1
react-native-svg compatibility
#185 opened by VojinovicMirko1999 - 1
- 1
Add support for web platform
#162 opened by gemcoder21 - 2
TypeError: Object is not a function
#180 opened by besshehu - 6
Conflicting peer dependency
#169 opened by SocDario - 0
React-natvie-svg not found
#178 opened by NPham1402 - 7
Qrcode generete not working
#138 opened by ednilsoncs - 1
if i the logo is too big or the logo background is too big, the qrcode can not work
#140 opened by urtheone - 2
Generated QR code takes a while before its detected
#152 opened by Chinedu25 - 12
react-native-svg v13 support
#164 opened by GunnarAK - 2
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New architecture support with fabric
#177 opened by BraveEvidence - 3
getRef={ c =>{ c.toDataURL // undefiend } how to shear QrCode as image
#148 opened by SiddharthAlagesan - 5
todataUrl in RN "0.63.2"
#135 opened by ShanmugapriyaKesavan - 1
Download QR Code
#165 opened by ankitipistis - 0
- 2
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Unable to resolve module react-native-svg
#159 opened by mohammadhunan-dev - 2
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Does it work with react-native-web ?
#145 opened by kopax-polyconseil - 1
Using encrypted data
#157 opened by aaronbesson - 1
Doesnt take variable in value prop
#122 opened by sumanbhattarai - 1
Installation in a expo project
#153 opened by eduardosoller - 2
Saving generated code to gallery
#147 opened by h9ee - 1
How to set a version in field value?
#132 opened by duyquangg - 1
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Determine QR Code Versions
#128 opened by NatanaelSK - 1
- 2
- 0
QR Code scan issue on Expo Camera/BarCodeScanner
#123 opened by polcats - 3
Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNSVGPath" was not found in the UIManager
#130 opened by mateosantosdev - 0
Include codes of higher capacities
#131 opened by taeh98