
Crossfire rssi in osd

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I have set up the osd according to this link here:
I have followed the instructions the only difference is that I have put it to Aux 4 in the taranis following the link where Oscar describes how to do it for frsky.

When I plug in the kiss fc to the computer I can see the rqly signal in the aux 4 signal so I know its working correctly but it jumps between 1300 and 1995 when off/on. In the osd configurator I put those numbers in and set it to aux 4, but don't get anything other than 0 db in the osd.

Also I've noticed that Arduino says the firmware is very large for the chipset it takes like 98% of it. Any clues as to what is going on here. I purchased this one:

Unfortunately it didn't come with the newest firmware on it and it's been a pain updating it.

I will double check this week and finally get it fixed. Thanks for your patience.

Thank you. Is it normal that in Arduino it says there is barely enough space? Is there a way to wipe it clean to free up some space?

That is normal and has nothing to do with the RSSI issue.

With micro minimosd on v2.4RC4.3 I needed it set from 0-1000 but with steele pdb on same firmware it works on -1 and -1. Not sure why but this worked for me.

Steele PDB v2.5 beta
Steele PDB v2.5 beta

Try this one. Go in the config tool first and setup min and max RSSI under DISPLAY->RSSI.

Fixed with V2.5 release