Unauthorized Error When Updating Child Object
rohit3d2003 opened this issue · 6 comments
Describe the bug
I am encountering an Unauthorized error when attempting to update an existing Child object in my iOS app using AWS Amplify with DataStore. Specifically, the error occurs when updating a Child object that already has parentChildId set to nil. Child object isn't associated to Parent object and hence parentChildId is nil in database. Below is the graphql schema
type Child @model
@auth(rules: [
{ allow: owner, operations: [create, read, update, delete] },
{ allow: groups, groups: ["Admin"], operations: [create, read, delete, update] }
]) {
id: ID!
owner: String @auth(rules: [
{ allow: owner, operations: [create, read, delete] },
{ allow: groups, groups: ["Admin"], operations: [create, read, delete] }
type Parent @model
@auth(rules: [
{ allow: owner, operations: [create, read, update, delete] },
{ allow: groups, groups: ["Admin"], operations: [read, delete, update] }
]) {
id: ID!
children: [Child] @hasMany
owner: String @auth(rules: [
{ allow: owner, operations: [create, read, delete] },
{ allow: groups, groups: ["Admin"], operations: [read, delete] }
Code to Update Existing Child Object:
let existingChildObject: Child = Code to retrieve existing object
existingChildObject.owner = nil
existingChildObject.parentChildId = nil // existingChildObject.parentChildId is already nil
try await Amplify.DataStore.save(childObject)
Steps To Reproduce
1. Fetch an existing Child object that has parentChildId set to nil.
2. Attempt to update the Child object without changing the parentChildId field.
Expected behavior
The Child object should be updated successfully
Amplify Framework Version
Amplify Categories
API, DataStore
Dependency manager
Swift PM
Swift version
CLI version
Xcode version
Relevant log output
Recovery suggestion: The list of `GraphQLError` contains service-specific messages)
[SyncMutationToCloudOperation] mutationEvent finished: 188FBB0D-CD31-431F-8BEE-9CFD9C05FA96; result: success(Swift.Result<AWSPluginsCore.MutationSync<AWSPluginsCore.AnyModel>, Amplify.GraphQLResponseError<AWSPluginsCore.MutationSync<AWSPluginsCore.AnyModel>>>.failure(GraphQLResponseError<MutationSync<AnyModel>>: GraphQL service returned a successful response containing errors: [Amplify.GraphQLError(message: "Unauthorized on [parentChildId]", locations: Optional([Amplify.GraphQLError.Location(line: 2, column: 3)]), path: Optional([Amplify.JSONValue.string("updateTransaction")]), extensions: Optional(["errorInfo": Amplify.JSONValue.null, "data": Amplify.JSONValue.null, "errorType": Amplify.JSONValue.string("Unauthorized")]))]
Recovery suggestion: The list of `GraphQLError` contains service-specific messages))
Is this a regression?
Regression additional context
No response
OS Version
iOS 17.5
iPhone 15
Specific to simulators
No response
Additional context
No response
Hi @rohit3d2003 ,
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We will attempt to reproduce and investigate it, and we'll keep you informed as soon as we have more details.
This only happens when I try to update an existing object. If I create a new child object without parentChildId, everything works fine
Here is a similar issue aws-amplify/amplify-category-api#2562.
The issue is that the generated field parentChildId
is optional and lacks a defined delete
auth rule. Could you try explicitly adding delete
permission for that field?
type Child
rules: [
{ allow: owner, operations: [create, read, update, delete] }
allow: groups
groups: ["Admin"]
operations: [create, read, delete, update]
) {
id: ID!
owner: String
rules: [
{ allow: owner, operations: [create, read, delete] }
{ allow: groups, groups: ["Admin"], operations: [create, read, delete] }
parentChildrenId: ID
@auth(rules: [{ allow: owner, operations: [create, read, delete] }])
@5d - This fixed the issue
Thank you - closing the issue.
This issue is now closed. Comments on closed issues are hard for our team to see.
If you need more assistance, please open a new issue that references this one.
If you wish to keep having a conversation with other community members under this issue feel free to do so.