
Crash on [cleanUpWebsocketOutputStream] function

ZouhirASSAIB opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Describe the bug
Our major crash is coming from AWS SDK and specially the function 'cleanUpWebsocketOutputStream'. The crash occurs 100% of the time in background on every devices running iOS "17". Unfortunately, we are not able to reproduce the crash on our side...

Stack Trace

0  CoreFoundation                 0x7038 CF_IS_OBJC + 24
1  CoreFoundation                 0x13378 CFArrayGetCount + 32
2  CoreFoundation                 0xdd1c _CFStreamClose + 264
3  AWSIoT                         0x78fc -[AWSIoTMQTTClient cleanUpWebsocketOutputStream] + 702 (AWSIoTMQTTClient.m:702)
4  AWSIoT                         0xaba0 -[AWSIoTMQTTClient webSocket:didCloseWithCode:reason:wasClean:] + 1291 (AWSIoTMQTTClient.m:1291)
5  AWSIoT                         0x8293c __41-[AWSSRWebSocket safeHandleEvent:stream:]_block_invoke_2 + 1595 (AWSSRWebSocket.m:1595)
6  libdispatch.dylib              0x213c _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32
7  libdispatch.dylib              0x3dd4 _dispatch_client_callout + 20
8  libdispatch.dylib              0x6f6c _dispatch_queue_override_invoke + 928
9  libdispatch.dylib              0x15894 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 392
10 libdispatch.dylib              0x1609c _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 156
11 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x1ee4 _pthread_wqthread + 228
12 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x1fc0 start_wqthread + 8

Unique Configuration
Since the crash occurs 100% of the time in background, it may be link to the fact we force the disconnection to the iOT when the app didEnterBackground. We made this to reduce other crashs on the SDK when the user was returning to the application. Maybe an asynchronous process end up after the disconnection and cause the crash...

Areas of the SDK you are using (AWSMobileClient, Cognito, Pinpoint, IoT, etc)?

Environment(please complete the following information):

  • SDK Version: 2.33.10
  • Dependency Manager: Swift Package Manager (SPM)
  • Swift Version : 5
  • Xcode Version: 15.2

Device Information (please complete the following information):

  • Device: All versions
  • iOS Version: iOS 17

Thank you for your help on this. Our crash-free is very impacted by this one !

Hi @ZouhirASSAIB, thanks for opening this issue.

The team will take a look and post updates here. In the meantime, would you mind sharing:

  • The full symbolicated crashlog
  • Code snippets on how you're interacting with the AWSIoT APIs
  • Whether this issue happens exclusively on iOS 17, or in previous versions as well.


Hi @ZouhirASSAIB, thanks for opening this issue.

The team will take a look and post updates here. In the meantime, would you mind sharing:

  • The full symbolicated crashlog
  • Code snippets on how you're interacting with the AWSIoT APIs
  • Whether this issue happens exclusively on iOS 17, or in previous versions as well.


You're welcome @ruisebas ๐Ÿ˜Š

Here is the full symbolicate crash log :


Unfortunately, we can't send code snippets on how we're interacting with the AWSIoT APIs (corporate code).

And yes for now we have events that concerns only iOS 17.

Thank you - our team will investigate and post updates here.

Hello @ruisebas @thisisabhash Any news about this issue ?

@grifas We are still unable to reproduce this crash in our local environment. Are you able to provide detailed steps to reproduce this issue?