
Type of property DocumentMetadataConfigurations incorrect, causing validation errors

cogwirrel opened this issue · 4 comments


I've been using CDK to define a kendra index, and am trying to define custom attributes in the document metadata.

new kendra.CfnIndex(this, 'MyIndex', {
    edition: 'DEVELOPER_EDITION',
    name: `${props.stage}-MyIndex`,
    roleArn: kendraIndexRole.roleArn,
    documentMetadataConfigurations: {
        documentMetadataConfigurationList: [
                name: 'myAttribute',
                type: 'STRING_VALUE',
                search: {
                    displayable: true,
                    searchable: false,
                    sortable: false,
                    facetable: false,

When I synth and deploy, I get an error:

5:35:40 PM | UPDATE_FAILED        | AWS::Kendra::Index | KendraWebCrawlerIndex
Model validation failed (#/DocumentMetadataConfigurations: expected type: JSONArray, found: JSONObject)

However this doesn't match the cloudformation documentation, which states that DocumentMetadataConfigurations is an object with a single property DocumentMetadataConfigurationsList.

See: and

It's also the case with the generated cdk CfnIndex construct.

I'm not super familiar with how cloudformation works, but I believe the problem is that the top level property DocumentMetadataConfigurations is defined as:

    "DocumentMetadataConfigurations": {
      "description": "Document metadata configurations",
      "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentMetadataConfigurationList"

And the DocumentMetadataConfigurationList is defined as an array rather than an object with a single DocumentMetadataConfigurationsList property.

    "DocumentMetadataConfigurationList": {
      "type": "array",
      "maxItems": 500,
      "items": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/DocumentMetadataConfiguration"


Raised an issue for aws-cdk :)
