
Tracking Issue: Allow Intrinsic Functions and Pseudo-Parameter References in `DeletionPolicy` and `UpdateReplacePolicy` RFC

mingujo opened this issue · 3 comments

Original Issue: Support Functions as DeletionPolicy/UpdateReplacePolicy Values aws-cloudformation/cfn-language-discussion#58

Name: "Allow Intrinsic Functions and Pseudo-Parameter References in DeletionPolicy and UpdateReplacePolicy RFC Tracking Issue"

About: "Tracking issue for Allow Intrinsic Functions and Pseudo-Parameter References in DeletionPolicy and UpdateReplacePolicy RFC"

Title: Allow Intrinsic Functions and Pseudo-Parameter References in DeletionPolicy and UpdateReplacePolicy RFC

Labels: management/tracking, status/proposed


Short description of the proposed feature.


  • Tracking issue created (label: status/proposed)
  • RFC pull request submitted
  • Reviewers assigned (label: status/review)
  • Reviewers signed-off (label approved applied to pull request)
  • Final comments period (label: status/final-comments-period)
  • Approved and merged (label: status/approved)
  • Implementation started (label: status/implementing)
  • Implementation complete (label: status/done)

Author is responsible to progress the RFC according to this checklist, and
apply the relevant labels to this issue so that the RFC table in README gets

Is there any updates or ETA for release this feature in cloudformation. ? We are waiting on this feature to be available to manage our resources effectively for different types of environments.

@atreyd Thanks for your interest! We're not able to provide specific ETAs publicly, but rest assured we're working on it. Stay tuned!

Close this issue as this feature is now available