
Docs: Unable to install for Windows or macOS

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Documentation Issue

I can't get the submitter working in either Windows or macOS. More detailed installation guidance would be greatly appreciated.

I resolved the installation on macOS using this script within Blender:

This looks like something is missing from the docs - good call.
This should enable it to work

  1. Add script directory path to Blender

    1. In Blender, select "Edit" > "Preferences" > "File Paths" > "Script Directories"
    2. Add new script directory (name only helps identify)
      1. Windows: %USERPROFILE%\DeadlineCloudSubmitter\Submitters\Blender\python
      2. Linux: ~/DeadlineCloudSubmitter/Submitters/Blender/python
  2. Restart Blender (script directory changes only take affect on restart)

  3. Enable the Add-on

    1. Select "Edit" > "Preferences" > "Add-ons" tab.
    2. Search “Deadline”
    3. Click the checkbox beside the add-on to enable
  4. Verify successful installation:

    1. Select “Render” > “Deadline Cloud Dialog”
    2. The submitter dialog should pop up

That helps, thanks. Please add this info to the installation documentation as well:

The two PRs above should help clarify the installation instructions. The public documentation has been updated as well with the installation instructions. Hopefully that helps anyone else who may be unsure of what's needed to install the add-on.

I'm going to close this now as completed. If there's anything else that is still unclear please feel free to cut another issue and thank you for pointing this out!