
(nucleus): component config file access

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Feature Description

It would be awesome if there would be away to access the whole or even parts of a component config as a json file.

Use Case
Why do you need this feature?

I need to have a quite big config (> 1048576 characters as a pretty json) Related SFC issue

Proposed Solution
My current approach was to read the recent component config from /greengrass/v2/config/effectiveConfig.yaml (see example below), however it turns out that these component configs are not reflecting the most recent config of a component :-(

                RequiresPrivilege: true # due to access /greengrass/v2/config/effectiveConfig.yaml
                Script: |
                    chmod +x '{artifacts:decompressedPath}/greengrass-sfc-playground/bin/yq_linux_arm'
                    alias yq='{artifacts:decompressedPath}/greengrass-sfc-playground/bin/yq_linux_arm'
                    COMPONENT_NAME="$(basename $PWD)"
                    cat /greengrass/v2/config/effectiveConfig.yaml \
                        | yq ".services.\"${COMPONENT_NAME}\".configuration.sfc-config" \
                            --output-format=json \
                                > "sfc-config.json"
                RequiresPrivilege: true # due to access /greengrass/v2/config/effectiveConfig.yaml
                Script: |
                    export SFC_DEPLOYMENT_DIR='{artifacts:decompressedPath}/greengrass-sfc-playground/sfc-modules'
                    alias sfc-main='{artifacts:decompressedPath}/greengrass-sfc-playground/sfc-main/bin/sfc-main'

                    sfc-main -config sfc-config.json

I'm using AWS shopfloor-connectivity as a Greengrass component. Therefore I'd like to configure SFC by a Greengrass config field. Related SFC issue

I'm facing two issues right now.

  1. The config needs to be converted in to a json file to use it for SFC e.g. sfc-main -config sfc-config.json
  • Currently the common workaround is to set an environment variable to the value of the sfc-config field from greengrass config and then write this environment variable to a file. e.g.
                    SFC_CONFIG: '{configuration:/sfc-config}'
                Script: |
                    echo "$SFC_CONFIG" > sfc-config.json
  1. This works until the sfc-config gets too big, then nucleus will throw an Exception Argument list too long at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start because of system limit getconf ARG_MAX
  • 👋 I may be able to implement this feature request
  • ⚠️ This feature might incur a breaking change


Using environment variables is the correct way to do this. Trying to pass it over the command line instead will have a lot of issues with length and shell escaping.

Having a unique feature to write config as a file does not seem necessary given the ability to use environment variables which you may then choose to save to a file.

In greengrass, files are artifacts, so the other way to do this is to have any static content as artifacts and not component configuration.

You may also use Greengrass IPC to read configuration.

This would be my recommendation. Write a python (or language of your choice) component which pulls the config using IPC and then writes to a file and invokes the shop floor functionality.

Well unfortunately using environment variables does not work for big configs :-(

I make it work now with following setup.

                RequiresPrivilege: true # to access /greengrass/v2/bin/greengrass-cli
                Script: |
                    apt install jq -y
                    COMPONENT_NAME="$(basename $PWD)"
                    /greengrass/v2/bin/greengrass-cli component details --name "${COMPONENT_NAME}" \
                        | grep "^ *Configuration: *" | sed 's/ *Configuration: *//' \
                        | jq -r '."sfc-config"' > sfc-config.json
                    JAVA_HOME: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-armhf
                RequiresPrivilege: true # /greengrass/v2/config/effectiveConfig.yaml (Permission denied)
                Script: |
                    export SFC_DEPLOYMENT_DIR='{artifacts:decompressedPath}/greengrass-sfc-playground/sfc-modules'
                    alias sfc-main='{artifacts:decompressedPath}/greengrass-sfc-playground/sfc-main/bin/sfc-main'
                    sfc-main -config sfc-config.json