
Vault Architecture (proposed changes)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The next iteration of the Vault reference is a major rewrite and will have significant changes. Lets issues detail the suggested approach. Once concourses is reached between @dcallao (HashiCorp) and AWS (@avattathil @gargana) We can move to an alpha sprint



  • Remove consul dependency (Use Vault standalone backed) <- Unreleased feature

Node Distribution

Raft relies upon consensus negotiation to organize and replicate information and so the environment must provide 3 unique resilient path

Min Availability Zone = 3
Max Availability Zone = 5


External: 8200/tcp - inbound | Vault API Vault clients -> servers
Internal: 8201/tcp - inbound/outbound | Used for Vault replication traffic and request forwarding servers <-> servers
Internal: 8200/tcp - raft/gossip traffic | servers <-> servers

Features: (Suggestions to debate)

  • vault auth enable ldap
  • End-to-End TLS.
  • Enable Auditing (Disable Shell Command History)

Proposed Best Practices

  • Enable Auto-unseal with KMS backend
  • Enable Audit trail to S3 with cloudwatch, lock down S3 bucket
  • Set logging to warn
  • Add SNS subscription for cloudwatch logs
  • Enable aws auto auth
  • Set IAM policies for aws auth & KMS auto-unseal
  • Set Kubernetes Auth policy for us from and EKS client (

Security Best Practices

  • Disable Shell Command History
  • Customize ulimits
  • Turn Off Core Dumps

CIS Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS Benchmark - Level 1

Closing out because of new release.