
Unable to download firelens s3 config file

drbly opened this issue · 6 comments

drbly commented

I am using the send-to-multiple-destinations example. I added the log-router container definition and edited our app container definition to use the awsfirelens log driver.

When I update my CloudFormation template with these changes it gets stuck starting and stopping tasks over and over again. Each task gives the error
Unable to download firelens s3 config file: unable to download s3 config extra.conf from bucket mybucket: MissingRegion: could not find region configuration

The task role has all of the S3 permissions it should need, and I tried adding those permissions to the execution role as well, but I still get the same error. So I don't think this is an S3 error, but I am not sure what the MissingRegion: could not find region configuration error is referring to.

Can you upload your IAM permissions here for review? Also, did you ensure that the permissions match the documentation as described here?

drbly commented

I added these statements to an S3 policy on both the task role and execution role

    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [

But I still get the same error.

Can you upload you CF template as well?

drbly commented
"apiBackendTask": {
	"Condition": "notFirstRun",
	"Type": "AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition",
	"Properties": {
		"ContainerDefinitions": [
				"Environment": [
						"Value": {"Ref": "target"}
						"Name": "DB_ENDPOINT",
						"Value": {"Fn::FindInMap": [{"Ref": "target"}, {"Ref": "AWS::Region"}, "jdbc"]}
						"Name": "endpoint",
						"Value": {"Fn::Sub": "cognito-idp.${AWS::Region}"}
						"Name": "region",
						"Value": {"Ref": "AWS::Region"}
						"Name": "poolId",
						"Value": {"Fn::FindInMap": [{"Ref": "target"}, {"Ref": "AWS::Region"}, "poolId"]}
						"Name": "identityPoolId",
						"Value": {"Fn::FindInMap": [{"Ref": "target"}, {"Ref": "AWS::Region"}, "identityPoolId"]}
						"Name": "BUCKET_NAME",
						"Value": {"Fn::FindInMap": [{"Ref": "target"}, {"Ref": "AWS::Region"}, "bucket"]}
				"Essential": true,
				"Image": {"Ref": "beimage"},
				"LogConfiguration": {
					"LogDriver": "awsfirelens"
				"MemoryReservation": 320,
				"Name": {
					"Fn::Sub": [
							"name": {
								"Fn::FindInMap": ["all", "all", "beName"]
				"PortMappings": [
						"ContainerPort": {"Fn::FindInMap": ["all", "all", "bePort"]}
				"Secrets": [
						"Name": "clientId",
						"ValueFrom": {"Fn::FindInMap": [{"Ref": "target"}, {"Ref": "AWS::Region"}, "clientId"]}
				"Essential": true,
				"Image": "amazon/aws-for-fluent-bit:latest",
				"Name": "log_router",
				"FirelensConfiguration": {
					"Type": "fluentbit",
					"Options": {
						"config-file-type": "s3",
						"config-file-value": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/extra.conf"
				"LogConfiguration": {
					"LogDriver": "awslogs",
					"Options": {
						"awslogs-group": {"Ref": "apiBackendLogGroup"},
						"awslogs-region": {"Ref": "AWS::Region"},
						"awslogs-stream-prefix": "accessLogs"
				"MemoryReservation": 50
		"ExecutionRoleArn": {"Ref": "executionRole"},
		"NetworkMode": "bridge",
		"RequiresCompatibilities": ["EC2"],
		"Tags": [
				"Key": "Owner",
				"Value": {"Ref": "contact"}
		"TaskRoleArn": {"Ref": "containerRole"}

This is an ECS Agent issue: aws/amazon-ecs-agent#2354

A fix is being worked on.

ecs agent 1.37.0 fixed this issue. I tested it today and can confirm it now works.